

( 為防止有心人士,截取本公司之相關專利彩色證書,做行銷詐騙用途,故以文字敘述替代。欲進一步了解者,敬請直接聯絡本人,謝謝。 )






    :專利權人:順富科技實業有限公司 ( SHUN-FU TECHNOLOGY INC. )


The United States of America

The Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

Has received an application for a patent for a new and useful invention. The title and description of the invention are enclosed. The requirements of law have been complied with, and it has been determined that a patent on the invention shall be granted under the law.

Therefore, this

United States Patent

Grants to the person(s) having titleto this patent the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States of America or importing the invention into the United States of America, and if the invention is a process, of the right to exclude others from using, offering for sale or selling throughout the United States of America, or imporing into the United States of America, products made by that process, for the term set forth in 35 U.S.C. 41(b). See the Maintenance Fee Notice on the inside of the cover.

( Michelle K. Lee) ( 簽署者為草寫簽署方式,若姓名有拚錯誤者,請多見諒。 )

Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

 ( 以上文字敘述謹提供參考正名,若接獲未經:台灣-順富國際機電有限公司:總公司  暨  順富科技實業有限公司 之 法定代表人 與 專利擁有者雙方 同意下,自行作為行銷或宣傳廣告用途者,一經發現及舉報,均訴諸法律途徑處理,請自重,謝謝。 )
